We are thrilled to say that all tickets made possible by our Hello Again Hackney grant have now been claimed. To find out about further offers in the local area, see here: lovehackney.uk/entertainment-offers
Hackney’s businesses, venues and cultural attractions are opening up again after the most difficult of times. Hackney’s theatres, galleries, cinemas, museums and grassroots music venues are welcoming back audiences with a range of Entertainment Offers available from September as part of the Hello Again, Hackney campaign.
Arcola Theatre is delighted to be able to offer free tickets to our current shows!
Arcola Theatre have teamed up with the London Borough of Hackney to offer free theatre tickets so you can enjoy the cultural offers on your doorstep. Come and experience our new theatre space, Arcola Outside.
Hackney residents can claim up to 2 tickets for one show, part of the Today I’m Wiser festival, including Arcola’s production of new comedy Broken Lad. There are over 250 free tickets, to be claimed on a first come, first served basis.
When: Today I’m Wiser festival, playing until 15 November (including Broken Lad)
Who the offer is for: All Hackney residents
How to claim the offer: You can book tickets online, call our box office on 020 7503 1646, or drop by in person – please note we are running reduced box office opening hours. Make sure you quote the offer code: HAHACKNEY
Booking online is easy, just make sure you do the following:
- Create or login to your account – You will need to make or login to an Arcola account. Just fill in required info.
- Add tickets to your basket – You can claim two Standard or Value seats (black and green dots on the seating plan)
- Add the offer code when you are at the checkout – HAHACKNEY (if the offer code doesn’t appear to be working, please check you are logged in, if you have any issues please email boxoffice@arcolatheatre.com)
Please note this offer is for Hackney residents only.

Upcoming events:
Broken Lad, a new comedy by Robin Hooper (13 Oct – 6 Nov)
Above a pub in North London, Phil is fighting off panic about his comeback gig. Once a regular stand-up on Saturday night television, Phil’s back to square one. As he laments his dwindling career, his son Josh arrives believing that his dad harbours a damaging secret. Tonight, Phil’s career might not be the only thing in tatters.

The remaining Today I’m Wiser programme includes:
- The Fourteenth Stop (17 & 24 Oct): family show featuring puppetry, poetry and physical theatre.
- From the Daughter of a Dictator (24 & 31 Oct): new work in progress by Yasmeen Audisho Ghrawi.
- Women’s Writes (7 Nov): three brand new short plays by female playwrights.
- Found in Translation (8 Nov): stand-up night featuring comedians who are d/Deaf, hard of hearing or use BSL to communicate.
- Maddie (12-14 Nov): moving glimpse into the life of a young autistic homeless woman.
- Whole (14 & 15 Nov): new autobiographical work in progress exploring grief and identity.
Access: Step free access to the box office area/auditorium from the street.
Contact: boxoffice@arcolatheatre.com, 020 7503 1646