Tower Theatre presents

Jubilee Voices

Written by Year 6 students from Jubilee Primary

Directed by Simona Hughes

Everyone’s lockdown was difficult. Everyone’s lockdown was different.

The year 6 students from Jubilee Primary School were set the challenge of writing a monologue inspired by their own experience of lockdown.

“What was the thing you liked most/found hardest about Lockdown?”
“What was the habit or ritual you developed in lockdown?”
“What is the memory that will stay with you?”

From the fifty or so monologues generated by this project, their teachers chose twenty to showcase at the Tower Theatre’s festival, Love [and Survival] in a Time of Covid.

These talented young writers have provided original and inspired material for the Tower Theatre’s directors and actors. Their words are honoured – untouched and unedited – in this series of poignant monologues.

This show is part of Arcola’s festival of outdoor art and performance, Today I’m Wiser. Explore the full programme → 

The health and wellbeing of our audiences is an absolute priority for us. Please have a read of the measures we’ve put in place to keep you safe.