With thanks to our valued Arcola Supporters.
Game Changers
Robert Fowler
Graham and Christine Benson
B Kularatne
Adam Tyndall
Steven Rimmer
Lyn Blackmore
Beth Crosland
Nicola Freshwater
Heather Galloway
Julia Gay
Mary Glover
Ros Haigh
Peter Harrison
Mary Hatch
Michael Holter
Jo Joyce
Faye Law
Ruth Lester
Michael Lightfoot
Christopher Murphy
Lucinda Platt
Tisha Richbell
Rodney Schwartz
Barrie Sharpe
Peter Snell
Julian Stolzenberg
Hilary Sunman
Gabriel Vogt
Siobhan Boa
Jim Boddington
Paul Bogan
Simon Bolland
Nick Breckenfield
Christopher Brougham
Lisa Buck
Isabel Cameron
Ian Cherrie
Stephen Cook
Bernhard Crede
Peter Davies
Michael Davies
Maureen Diffley
Valerie Doulton
David Dowling
Jeannie Farr
Jeannie Farr
David Forrester
Richard Frostick
Diana Fulger
Barry Gold
Andrew Grainger
Gary Griffiths
Caroline Hadley
David Harrison
Kate Hillery
Duncan James
Stuart Jones
Melissa Knatchbull
Annabelle Labone
Andrew Lloyd
Frederick Lock
Jennifer Lynch
Sherry Macliver
Bruce Macrae
Cat March
Richard Mellor
Gareth Morgan
Sarah Morrison
Elizabeth Murphy
Hazel Norton-Hale
Chris Owen
Gwyn Owens
Susanna Parker
Judith Perry
Nicola Petto
Aliceson Robinson
Justine Rose
Robert Sandall
Martin Shenfield
Bridget Somekh
Mila Steele
Vanessa Stone
Charlotte Thomson
Donna Vinter
Jennifer Wallace
Katrina Walsh
Mark Watts
Simon Wharton
Dan Willis
Nira Yuval-Davis
Bruno Schroder
Grimeborn Funders Circle Gold members
Peter Espenhahn
Richard & Virginia Salter
Grimeborn Funders Circle Bronze members
Camilla Davies
Robert Fowler
Dilwyn Griffiths
In memory of Stan and Pat Taylor, who loved opera
Grimeborn Funders Circle
Michael Coyle
Mark Hannam
Rose Leigh
Carol Pellowe
Andrew Penny
Jonathan Reekie
Robert & Natalie Speir
and 5 other generous opera lovers
Organisational and business capital donors
Hackney Council
and other donors who wish to remain anonymous
Trusts and Foundations
Backstage Trust
Charles S French Charitable TrustThe Fairlight Arts Trust
Fidelio Charitable Trust
Garrick Foundation
The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity
Garfield Weston Foundation
Hackney Parochial Charity
Harold Hyam Wingate Charitable Trust
Highfield Charities
Jack Petchey Foundation
The John S Cohen Foundation
Mila Charitable Foundation
Paul Hamlyn Foundation
The David and Elaine Potter Foundation
Foyle Foundation