The Arcola Theatre is proud to present VIVA LORCA, a festival celebrating the life of Federico García Lorca and his work as a poet, playwright and artist. Arcola Theatre will be transformed by productions of Mariana Pineda, Yerma and When Five Years Pass and readings of his poetry, as well as plays about Lorca’s life, flamenco dance, Iberian cuisine and live music in the foyer.
Download the Festival Programme here!
Federico Garcia LorcaThis year marks the 70th anniversary of Federico García Lorca’s death, a man widely regarded as one of the greatest Spanish writers. Since his death in 1936, his reputation has not ceased to grow. Writers, musicians and poets around the world continue to be inspired by his deep lyricism and the poetic evocation of rural Spain.
Born in 1898 in rural Granada, Lorca reigned supreme in the thriving ‘Silver Age’ of 1920s Spain, alongside his friends Salvador Dali and Luis Buñuel. He lived to see his country change irrevocably during the eruption of the Spanish Civil War, which heralded a long era of military repression. Over a million people were killed, including Lorca himself – on August 17th 1936. He was arrested by the Fascist militia in his country villa, and, two days later, executed in an unmarked grave. He was thirty-eight.
Translated by Gwynne Edwards
Directed by Max Key
Designed by Jon Bausor
24th July – 19th August – Studio 1
British premiere of a version by Frank McGuinness
Directed by Helena Kaut-Howson
Featuring Kathryn Hunter as Yerma
23rd August – 2nd September (Mon – Sat 8pm, Sat Mat 3pm),
and 9th September – 23rd September (Mon – Sat 8pm, Sat Mat 3pm, Sun 7pm) – Studio 1
Note: No Performances: 15th Sept
When Five Years Pass
Translated by Gwynne Edwards
Directed by Charlotte Westenra
29th August – 23rd September – Studio 2
Hace Federico
Spanish Texts by Federico Garcia Lorca
Selected, Arranged and Directed by Emily Lewis
Performed in Spanish with English surtitles
7th August – 12th August – Studio 2
An Aire Flamenco Presentation
Directed by Rowena Ritchie
Choreographed by Nuria Garcia
31st July – 6th August – Flamenco in the Bar!
21st August – 26th August – Studio 2
Exploring Lorca
A series of rehearsed readings of plays by and about Lorca.
16th, 17th, 18th and 19th August – Studio 2
Ay Federico! and Viva Lorca events at Canning House
Play reading of ‘Ay Federico!’ 15 September only – Studio 1 (Free)
Talk and Screening with Roman Gubern 14 September – Canning House
Talk and Screening with Ian Gibson 19 September – Canning House