“To die in Hiroshima was the natural thing to do. To survive here is unnatural.”
Three years after the atomic blast destroyed the city, a young librarian, Mitsue grapples with the guilt of having survived. One evening, she returns home from work to find that her concerned father has paid her an unexpected visit. Will he be able to help Mitsue to lay her ghosts to rest?
An exploration of love, survival and finding happiness, The Face of Jizo is a masterpiece of postwar drama from Japan’s leading theatrical voice.
Supported by:
The Embassy of Japan
The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
Nippon Club The Japan Foundation
Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation
Hiroshima Peace Grant
Japan England Insurance Brokers Ltd
Asahi Breweries
Soho Japan
Ichiza Theatre Company Presents
Ichiza is an English-speaking Japanese theatre company based in London.