UK Premiere
Zara is on the run. Allide wants to stay hidden. Deep in an Estonian forest their two worlds collide.
Together their survival depends on the one thing that they’ve learnt to keep secret: the truth.
Revealing the dark history of a small nation, Sofi Oksanen’s award-winning story has been compared to the best of Ian McEwan and Stieg Larsson.
A gripping story of misguided love, hope and betrayal, Purge has become a theatrical sensation across Europe. Witness it live on stage for the first time in the UK.
“Sofi Oksanen is a phenomenon. Purge is a brilliant piece of work that does not easily rellinquish its grip” The Times
“A bold combination of history, politics and suspense” Sunday Times (Book of the Year 2010)
“Powerful, passionately wrought, emotionally shattering, EXTRAORDINARY.” Independent
★ ★ ★ ★
“Enlightening. Thought-provoking. Important”
“An intense, gripping production. An exceptional cast. A monumental performance” The Stage
“I left Purge in a state of shock, the tension in my ribcage palpable. I am convinced that I have witnessed something groundbreaking” A Younger Theatre
What to See: Lyn Gardner’s Theatre Tips
“Elgiva Field’s production makes terrific virtue of the intimacy of the space to ratchet up the tension” The Guardian
“Purge blazes like a forest fire – a supercharged, searing experience that only theatre can create…It is the kind of production that thrills the patrons of the National Theatre – deeply moving, wildly different and beautifully conceived and performed..” Broadway World
Matinees: Saturday 3, 10, 17, 24 March
Pay What You Can Tuesdays (from 6.30pm on the door – limited and subject to availability)
£10 Opening Performances: 22, 23, 24, 27 February