Sulukle, the Romany gypsy neighbourhood of Istanbul, is synonymous with wild parties and hedonism. As our new venue Arcola Istanbul (Talimhane Tiyatrosu) opens its door for the first time, we host 14 days of musicians, dancers, food and drink from the east.
2007’de ilk kez sundu?umuz Orient Express sezonu bu y?l Sulukule e?lence ve kültürünü Londra’ya ta??yor. Gelin, rak? ve çilingir sofras? etraf?nda, dünyan?n dört bir yan?ndan gelen çingene müzisyen ve dansç?lar?n ahengine birlikte kap?lal?m…
SOAS Ad Hoc Rebetiko Band – 9pm / £8
Rebetiko was born at the beginning of the twentieth century out of the population exchanges that followed the First World War and features a 25 piece band playing the dances of Hasapiko from old Constantinople and the Zeibekiko of Anatolia.
25 ki?ilik SOAS Ad hoc grubu I. Dünya sava?? döneminde Yunanistan ve Türkiye aras?ndaki nüfus mübadelesiyle do?an müzik sentezi, Rebetiko’yu, Arcola’ya getiriyor.
Zenne: Male Belly Dance – 8.30pm / £5
An often overlooked tradition going back to the Ottoman era when men in the Sultan’s palaces were entertained by young male dancers. Male belly dancer Özgen will be joined by female dancer Melissa, specialising in swordplay.
Osmanl? saray?nda Sultanlar? erkek dansöz zenneler e?lendirirdi. Bu ak?am Zenne Özgen ve dansöz Melissa nefes kesen danslar?yla sizi de geçmi?e götürecekler.
The Bellydance Diaries / World Music Jam session – 9pm / £12
After two years of critically acclaimed sold-out shows across the UK, the new hit dance drama about the secret lives of Egyptian belly dancers arrives at Arcola with Daphne Pena and live Arabic music.
Bas?n?n “ola?an üstü” ve “ilgi çekici” diye tan?mlad??? Daphne Pena, canl? Arap müzi?i e?li?inde, M?s?r kültürünü Arcola’ya ta??yor.
World Music Jam session
Join professional and amateur musicians from around the world in Arcola Bar.
Arcola Bar’da dünyan?n dört bir yan?ndan gelen profesyonel ve amatör müzisyenlere kat?l?n.
Synthexo – 9pm / £10
Currently touring the UK, Synthexo create a unique new sound of Turkish classical and folk music fused with jazz, rock and opera.
Synthexo Otantik Türk Sanat Müzi?i ve Türk Halk Müzi?i’ni, caz, rock ve opera tarzlar?yla yorumlanmas?yla ortaya ç?kan yeni bir müzik ak?m?n? sunuyor.
Asli & the Wonderband – 8.30pm / £10
“Multitalented Istanbulian Singer-songwriter” Metro
A musical journey through Sulukule of Roman Neigborhood:an eclectic mix of traditional sounds from jesilcam soundtracks & interpretations to roman music, oriental beats to tango, latin and bossanova. Expect impromptu belly dancing in the street and have your fortune read on the way in!
Sulukule sokaklar?n? Arcola’ya ta??yoruz: Ye?ilçam film müzikleri ve roman, oriyantel, tango, latin ve bossanova ritimlerini birle?tiren muhte?em bir cümbü?. Bu gizemli gecede, rak? için, göbek at?n, fal bakt?r?n…
Film – Sugar and Spice & All Things Movies – 7.30pm / £5
In his sweet shop resembling a movie museum, film lover and Cypriot Londoner, Ümit Mesut, debates film versus digital with screenwriter Tony Grisoni (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas).
Discussion after the screening with the Director Melih Kançelik and poetry reading from boxer Sylvester Mittee, one of the subjects in this illuminating documentary.
Dükkan? bir film müzesini and?ran sinema tutkunu Ümit Mesut’u tanimaya çal??an Melih Kançelik, Ümit’in mü?terileriyle ili?kilerinin de tan??? olur. Birgün dükkana gelen ünlü ?ngiliz senaryo yazar? Tony Grison ile sohbetin konusu ise tabii ki ac?s? tatl?s?yla sinema olacakt?r. Gösterimden sonra yönetmen Melih Kançelik ve belgeselde yer alanlardan boksör Sylvester Mittee’in kat?ld??? bir ?iir dinletisine de davetlisiniz.