Twenty four hours. Twenty four lives.
A DJ cracks up on air…
A supply teacher outwitted by a nine year old…
A love affair in the West that ends…
A love affair in the East that begins…
An old man who remembers the bombing of Dresden
and forgets…
It could be any city. It just happens to be ours.
Buzzing with edge, humour and vitality, Ghost City is a remarkable play by an award-winning dramatist that weaves together a few moments from the lives of lost souls in Cardiff where love falters and endures. A sharp, streetwise snapshot of contemporary urban life that swells and builds across twenty four scenes to reveal the authentic sound of a city.
Gary Owen
Gary’s plays are Crazy Gary’s Mobile Disco (Paines Plough and Sgript Cymru, 2001), The Shadow of a Boy (National Theatre, 2002), The Drowned World (Paines Plough, 2002), Amser Canser (Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, 2003) and Ghost City (Sgript Cymru, 2004). The Shadow of a Boy was joint winner of the George Devine Award, and winner of the Meyer Whitworth Award. The Drowned World won a Fringe First at the Edinburgh Festival in 2002, and was joint winner of the 2003 Pearson Best Play Award. For young people he has written The Green for the National Theatre’s Assembly project, and SK8, a hip-hop musical for the Theatre Royal, Plymouth.
“Introduces a blazing new talent from Wales,”
The Guardian (Crazy Gary’s Mobile Disco by Gary Owen)
“Painful, brilliant… unforgettable,”
The Scotsman (Crazy Gary’s Mobile Disco by Gary Owen)