Pokfulam Rd Productions

Foreign Goods 3

Following two sold-out successes at Theatre503, Foreign Goods arrives at Arcola Theatre to showcase 10 new short pieces on British Chinese themes, from a diverse mix of writers.

Timed to celebrate the publication of Foreign Goods: A Selection of Writing by British East Asian Artists by Oberon Books (Jan 19 2018), Pokfulam Rd Productions presents their 3rd Foreign Goods showcase. Copies of the book will also be on sale! We invite you to celebrate and support this day of professionally-produced new pieces of work.

Writers and Directors:
Finding Jose by Amal Chatterjee
Germline by Ness Lyons
Directed by Mingyu LinLost Laowais by David East
Directed by Madison Maylin

Kouhao by Simon Farnham

Numbers by Naomi Sumner
Directed by Grace Joseph
Leftovers by Clare Reddaway
Directed by company

Frogs by Christian Graham
Directed by Nastazja Somers


Spin by Stephanie Martin (words) and Calista Kazuko (Music)

Love in Newsprint by Caleb Yap and Charlotte Chiew
Directed by Davide Vox

How to Master the Art of Chinese Cooking in 5 easy steps by Alissa Anne Jeun Yi Cooper
Directed by Nikhil Vyas