“I don’t wanna hear, don’t wanna talk, don’t wanna speak. Enough said.” (click for more)
The Future Stage Company present: Enough Said
Thursday 11 July – Saturday 13 July, 7:45pm
Tickets: £7 (£5 concessions)
There’s a sense of a search for something but no-one knows what it is. Our characters navigate through a world in which communication is all around us but opportunities to make connections are hard to find.
Enough Said is humorous and touching journey through a kaleidoscope of real and imagined worlds in which we all live together and we’re all ultimately alone.
*Please note that Thursday, 11 July will be a Gala Performance
Devised and performed by The Future Stage Company at Generation Arts
Directed by Ali Godfrey
Movement by Jen Irons
Music by the company and arranged by Peter Swaffer-Reynolds
Assistant Director Andrew Maddock
Generation Arts is a unique not for profit organisation offering free acting and theatre-making training for young people NEET who are marginalised or at risk.
The Future Stage Company of young actors have worked with the company for 7 months, training with outstanding industry practitioners and achieving a Level 3 qualification in Acting in partnership with City and Islington College.
Enough Said will be the company’s last performance before the cast progress on to employment, drama school or university this autumn. Catch this talented company present this surprising and dynamic production.
“When I started this project I wasn’t sure of what the future held and I was scared I would go back to floating, wasting time and potential. Thanks to Generation Arts that will no longer be the case. You guys are literally changing lives.” Future Stage Participant