A queer take on Mozart’s perennially problematic classic by Arcola Participation’s Queer Collective, for lovers of queer art and opera alike.
In a utopic (and fabulously-costumed) nightscape, somewhere beyond time, place, and stylistic integrity, Don Giovanni’s victims seek justice. But what might ‘justice’ look like, and sound like, in a queer-reimagined world?
With this performer-led re-devising of the classic opera, Arcola Participation’s Queer Collective makes its Grimeborn debut. This isn’t just another operatic re-staging; everything is up for grabs – the characters’ genders, the plot, and even the music are radically refashioned to suit the Collective’s desires and talents.
This is a new way of making opera, where a community reoccupy the classics, making a space there for underrepresented voices and their stories. Come and see the future of opera: a dizzying cocktail of forms, people, and spectacles in a refabulisation of this classic show.
Sung in English without surtitles.