An evening of new short plays that dare us to overcome our boundaries, barriers and borders. Join us as we delve into a world of our wildest dreams, revolution and wonder.
Haste Ye Back
by Conor Carroll
Directed by Tamar Saphra
Best Words
by Tom Brennan
Directed by Tom Brennan
by Ivana Mazza-Coates & Madeleine Shenai
Directed by James Bowsher
by Lydia Thomson
Directed by Jamie Manton
The Sting
by Suzette Coon
Directed by Monique Touko
by Nic Jones
Directed by Phil Bartlett
Changing Face is a multi lingual, multi national theatre company bringing global stories to the UK. Our work is informed by international stories and experiences; we work with emerging and established playwrights, translators and directors to make perceptive, honest and vital work about the changing face of our communities worldwide.