Arcola Youth Theatre presents

Challenge Accepted

Devised by Arcola Youth Theatre Companies

Directed by Jessica Amery, Charlotte Croft, Emma-Louise Howell and Lerato Islam

“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

From classic fairy tale conundrums to saving the environment, Arcola Youth Theatre present four enterprising stories about facing adversity. Exploring different obstacles within our rapidly changing world, AYT illustrate how we may (or may not!) overcome them.

For young people 9-15 in and around Hackney, Arcola’s young people’s programmes draw on theatrical forms and traditions to provide a place for young people to ignite their creativity and challenge themselves. Arcola Participation facilitates a supportive and playful environment, in which young people can develop and explore, as well as staging high quality and innovative productions in a professional theatrical environment. If you are interested in joining the company in future years, you can express your interest here.