By August Strindberg
In a new translation by Nick Bruckman
Cast: Nelly Kalligas, Alex Trippier, Maddy Wilson, Lara Doree, Jerome Pfister
Director: Nick Bruckman
Movement Director: Liana Nyquist
Set & Costume Designer: Ellie Sung
Lighting Designer: Sunghee Yu
Sound Designer: Helen Skiera
Assistant Director: Nicola Mai
Strindberg’s masterpiece about power, sex and class is stripped of its Victorian social niceties, laying bare a savage wit. The cruelty is heart wrenchingly personal, yet there is an ironic humour in its despair.
This production explores the physical manifestation of underlying psychological themes and creates an atmosphere wherein the most intimate vulnerabilities are openly exposed.
In his own translation, director Nick Bruckman, seeks to create a modern view of the age old struggle between the sexes for power and domination.
Presented by Caravanserai