The world premiere of a compelling literary detective story about the turbulent lives of the Brontë sisters – based upon an acclaimed play by Polly Teale. In 1845, Branwell Brontë returns home in disgrace, plagued by his addictions. As he descends into alcoholism and insanity, bringing chaos to the household, his sisters write… Polly Teale’s powerful play, adapted as an opera by composer Lisa Logan, evokes the real and imagined worlds of the Brontës, as their fictional characters Jane Eyre, Rochester, Cathy, Nelly and Heathcliff come to haunt their creators.
Preview Brontë the Opera!
Act 1, scene 2 Brontë sisters trio:
Act 1, scene 16 Charlotte’s main aria writing letters to the teacher Heger whom she loves:
Act 2, scene 14 Emily death, a duet with sister Charlotte:
Praise for Brontë the play:
“Breathtaking...a rare feat of theatrical imagining” – Evening Standard
“Ambitious, intelligent, absorbing” – Financial Times
“Soars of the wings of imagination” – Daily Telegraph
“Riveting...a tantalising glimpse through the window of a uniquely haunted family home” – The Times