Arcola Ala Turka presents DOORWAY kapı aralığı

A one act play devised by the company.
In Turkish and English.
Ala-Turka’nın yarattığı tek perdelik oyun
Türkçe ve İngilizce dilinde sahnelecek.

Directed by / Yönetmen: Serdar Bilis

How many doors have you been through today? Or yesterday, last week, month, last year, all your life? How many doors have you hopelessly waited to open for you? How many door steps have been worn down under your feet? Which key holes have you spied through and how many keys have you lost?

Ala-Turka wants to knock on a few doors for you; to see what is visible through the doorway…

Performed by: Burçin Arıkan, Refika Bakır, Özgür Boz, Yasemin Bozdoğan, Erkan Can, Sevinç Çapkın, Melike Cinpolat, Serpil Delice, Müge Erdoğmus, Dursun Eser, Gökmen Güvener, Haydar Köyel, Ece Özdemiroğlu, Koray Salih, Abdullah Tercanlı, Mengü Türk.

Ala Turka is Arcola Theatre’s Turkish and Kurdish speaking theatre group. Established in 2001, it is directed by Serdar Bilis and meets at Arcola Theatre every Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. To find out more visit